1. Scope of the Contract
1.1. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company,yukarı mahalle inonu caddesi no 14 Avanos/Nevşehir Turkey. This contract concluded between the customer and Theory Travel Agency Limited Company specifies the terms of service and the obligations of the parties.
1.2. Software development, web design, information, communication services, internet and print-visual media advertising services, which are Theory Travel Agency Limited Company products, are subject to the provisions of this written agreement between the customer and Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. Unless the Customer and Theory Travel Agency Limited Company agree to the contrary in writing, this agreement remains valid.
1.3. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company products will be collectively referred to as “Services” in this agreement and will not cover the services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company to the customer with a separate written contract.
2.Contract Terms
2.1. In order to use the services, the acceptance and approval of the service contract and terms by the customer is required.
2.2. Service contract acceptance forms;
a-Confirming the acceptance process to the customer representative for any service by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company
b- By signing the contract sent within the scope of the agreement between Theory Travel Agency Limited Company and the customer,
By using the services provided by c-Theory Travel Agency Limited Company; In this case, the customer is deemed to have accepted and approved the service agreement from the moment of using the services of Theory Travel Agency Limited Company.
2.3. If the customer is underage for acceptance and approval of the service contract, if he is prohibited from receiving these services under the laws of the Republic of Turkey or the laws of other countries, including the country in which he uses the services, he cannot use this service contract. If this is detected, the service received by the customer from Theory Travel Agency is immediately terminated and Theory Travel Agency cannot be held responsible for the customer’s loss or damage.
3.1. As part of continuous renewal, Theory Travel Agency Limited Company may, at its sole discretion and without prior notice to the customer, stop providing the services or any features within the scope of the services to users, permanently or temporarily. This is confirmed and accepted by the customer. The customer, within the powers defined to him through the customer representative; reserves the right to make changes, stop and pause the services. The customer does not have to specifically inform Theory Travel Agency when he stops using the services.
3.2. Without giving any reason, Theory Travel Agency Limited Company may block the customer’s access to their account. For this reason, the customer may be prevented from accessing the services, account details or any files or other content contained in his account. This situation is approved and accepted by the customer.
3.3. No upper limit has yet been set for the messages you can send or receive through the services or the storage space used in the provision of any service by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. However, the customer acknowledges and accepts that Theory Travel Agency Limited Company may set such upper limits at its own discretion and at any time. In such a case, if the limits set by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company are exceeded, the excess amount will be charged separately.
3.4. In return for the services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company, the service fee rates in the payments made by the customer vary. Service fee rate is reserved by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. This situation is approved and accepted by the customer.
3.5. Customer information provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company cannot be shared with other customers. This information is kept by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company.
3.6. Each service received by the customer is evaluated according to the conditions of the period in which that service is received. For this reason, the customer cannot claim any right or payment retroactively.
3.7. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company provides internet advertising services through service providers. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company cannot be held responsible for policy and service condition changes of service providers.
3.8. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not obliged to reflect the promotional budget products and services offered by the advertising service providers to the customers. It reserves the right to use it.
3.9. During the preparation of the advertisements, verbal information given by the customers is taken as a basis. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not responsible for the accuracy of verbal information.
3.10. It is forbidden to use the content, text, visual, animated content and similar content produced by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company in any place without the permission of Theory Travel Agency Limited Company.
3.11. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not responsible for the copyright of the content from the customer.
3.12. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not responsible for the contents of the channels where visual advertisements are published. It does not assume responsibility for controlling the content of these sites.
3.13. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not responsible for the code system provided by the advertising service provider, which allows the user to be shown the advertisements repeatedly, and the triggering of the advertisements accordingly.
3.14. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not morally or materially responsible for any damages that may arise from any content, software or virus on the advertiser’s site and to the users visiting the site through advertisements.
3.16. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not responsible for any errors that may occur due to the code to be added to the advertiser’s website in order to use certain advertising features or to make the ads more functional and measurable.
3.17. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company may need access to user accounts on the relevant sites in order to manage social media advertisements. Theory Travel Agency is not responsible for the loss of information and content in customer accounts that may occur due to this access.
3.18. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not responsible for the accuracy of the payment information to be made by the customer through the bank in return for the services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company.
Customer’s Use of the Services
4.1. In order to access the services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company, the customer may have to provide some information about himself (such as identity or contact details) as part of the registration process or the use of the services. The customer accepts and declares that the registration information given to Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is always complete, accurate and up-to-date.
4.2. The Customer undertakes and agrees not to access or attempt to access the services received in any way other than the interface and reporting service provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company, unless permitted by a separate agreement between Theory Travel Agency Limited Company.
4.3. The customer agrees and undertakes not to engage in any activity that will interfere with or disrupt the services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company or the servers and networks connected to these services.
4.4. The Customer agrees and undertakes not to reproduce, copy, sell or trade these services for any purpose, unless specifically permitted by a separate contract.
4.5. The customer is solely responsible for both Theory Travel Agency Limited Company and third parties for the violation of the use of the services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company and the consequences thereof, including the loss and damage that Theory Travel Agency will suffer for this reason. accepts and declares.
Password and Account Security
5.1. The customer is responsible for the confidentiality and protection of the passwords associated with all the accounts he uses to access the services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. It accepts that it is exclusively responsible to Theory Travel Agency Limited Company for all movements that occur under its own account.
5.2. As soon as the customer realizes that his password or account has been used without permission, he is obliged to inform Theory Travel Agency Limited Company immediately.
Personal Privacy and Personal Information
6.1. The customer accepts the use of his data in accordance with the privacy policies of Theory Travel Agency Limited Company.
Scope of Services
7.1. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. Information such as data files, written texts, computer software, music, sound files and other sounds, photos, videos or other images accessed through the services provided by or through the customer use of these services are referred to as content.
7.2. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. has the right to pre-select the content, review, draw attention to the content, eliminate, change, reject or exclude from any service regarding any service it provides. Theory Travel Agency provides the customer with obscene, violence, terrorism, etc., within the scope of some services it deems necessary. It may offer tools (including SafeSearch preference settings) to eliminate objectionable content such as
7.3. Client is Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. It accepts and declares that it is exclusively responsible to both Theory Travel Agency and third parties for all kinds of content created, transmitted or displayed by .
Property Rights
8.1. The customer acknowledges that Theory Travel Agency Limited Company or its licensors own all legal and intellectual property rights within the scope of the services (regardless of whether these rights are registered or not located in other countries), and that these services may contain some information that is confidential by Theory Travel Agency and that this information Theory Travel Agency Limited Company confirms and accepts that it cannot disclose without prior written permission.
8.2. The customer has the right to use the trade name, trademark, service mark, logo, domain name and other identifying brand features of Theory Travel Agency Limited Company, as well as the trademarks and service marks of other companies and organizations when using the services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. , not to use their trade names and logos in a way to create any confusion about the owners or authorized users of these brands, titles or logos, however, they will not remove any proprietary rights notices, including copyrights and trademarks, in addition to or included in the scope of these services. , agrees and undertakes that it will not hide or change it
Theory Travel Agency Limited Company License
9.1. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company may sell or lease the usage license of the software it creates as a separate service to its customers. The Customer may not transfer, lease, sub-license these rights, give security over these rights, or otherwise transfer any part of these rights, unless Theory Travel Agency Limited Company gives specific written permission.
9.2. Unless the Client is expressly permitted or required by Law or given special written permission by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company; cannot copy or modify the software, create new works from this software, attempt to decode the source code of the software or any part of this code by reverse engineering, decompile or otherwise allow third parties to do so.
9.3. Apart from the payment amount, Value Added Tax is also paid to Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is obliged to pay the VAT amount to the finance. The prices stated in the campaigns carried out by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company are the prices excluding VAT.
Content Usage Right
10.1. The customer has copyright and other rights on the services provided, sent or displayed through the services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. By presenting, sending or displaying the content, to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform and display any content that Theory Travel Agency Limited Company provides, or through the Services, the customer submits, sends or displays any content. grants you a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to distribute and distribute The sole purpose of this license is to enable Theory Travel Agency to display, distribute and promote the services.
10.2. The customer agrees that the said license grants Theory Travel Agency Limited Company the right to open this content to other companies, organizations and individuals with which it is related for joint services and to use this content for the provision of these services.
10.3. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company may transmit and distribute the customer’s content in different social networks and different media, while taking the necessary technical steps to provide social media advertising and management services to its users. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that this license allows the use of this license by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company for these acts.
Software Updates
11.1. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company updates the software used at different times. The Customer agrees to receive these updates within the scope of the services provided.
Termination of Customer Relationship with Theory Travel Agency Limited Company
12.1. The customer initiates the service contract with the online payments made on the secure payment page or the payments made by bank transfer. As long as the customer has an active budget for the service received, the service contract remains valid. When the customer’s budget for the service they receive expires, the service contract is suspended. If the customer makes a repayment under the above-mentioned conditions, this contract becomes up-to-date with his suspended account.
12.2. If the customer wishes to completely terminate the service contract with Theory Travel Agency Limited Company, he must send this request in writing to the address of Theory Travel Agency Limited Company specified at the beginning of this contract. Termination requests not made in writing will not be considered.
12.3. Termination of the Agreement by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company;
a- In cases where any provision of the contract is violated by the customer or there is no intention or opportunity to comply with the provisions,
b- In cases where Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is required by law,
c- In cases where the partner of Theory Travel Agency Limited Company in the services it provides to the customer terminates its relationship with Theory Travel Agency Limited Company or ceases to provide services to the customer,
d- In cases where Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is about to stop providing services to the country where the customer resides or uses the services,
e- In cases where the provision of services to the customer by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not commercially viable for Theory Travel Agency Limited Company.
12.4. When this contract is terminated, all legal rights, responsibilities and obligations that are clearly stated that the customer and Theory Travel Agency Limited Company benefit or are exposed to during the contract or will continue for an indefinite period will not be affected by this expiration and these rights, responsibilities and obligations will be complied with for an unlimited period of time. will continue.
Performance, advertisement position, sales and customer increase etc. related to all services to be provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company. No guarantees are given on the subject.
Limitation of Liability
14.1. The customer’s direct or indirect damages incurred or to arise, loss of earnings, goodwill, fees, duties, penalties, taxes, etc., due to these damages. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company is not responsible for any of them, including loss of reputation or data loss in the business world.
14.2. Reliance on the completeness, accuracy or existence of the advertisements, or any relationship or transaction between the advertiser or sponsors and the customer, any changes that Theory Travel Agency Limited Company may make in the services or any final or temporary suspension in the provision of the services or any feature of the services. The customer is fully responsible for the damages arising from the deletion, corruption or inability to store the data protected or transmitted as a result of using or through the services of , the customer not providing the correct account information to Theory Travel Agency and not keeping his password or account details secure and confidential.
Copyright and Trademark Policy
15.1. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company considers violation notices under International intellectual property law and Turkish Republic Copyright Law. It examines the notices within the scope of a certain procedure and, if deemed necessary, cancels the relevant accounts
16.1. Some services provided by Theory Travel Agency Limited Company are supported by advertising revenues and advertisements and promotions must be included in these Services. These advertisements may target the content of the information contained in the services, questions asked through the services and other information due to their subject matter. The customer accepts the placing of advertisements on the services of Theory Travel Agency Limited Company, and the understanding, style and scope of the advertisement being changed without a specific notice
Modification of Contract Terms
17.1. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company can make changes to the contract clauses when necessary. When these changes are made, Theory Travel Agency Limited Company will make a new copy of the contract text available on its page. If the customer makes use after the date of change in the clauses, Theory Travel Agency Limited Company will consider this use of the customer as acceptance of the renewed contract text
18.1. Theory Travel Agency Limited Company may send notices to the customer by e-mail, regular mail, or notices regarding changes in the contract through notices regarding the services.
19.1. This contract is subject to the law of the Republic of Turkey. Izmir courts and enforcement offices are authorized for any dispute that may arise. When necessary, Theory Travel Agency Limited Company may take legal action in the courts of other countries.
All services provided in our store and , Theory Travel Agency Limited Company, registered at the address Theory Travel Agency Limited Company It belongs to our company and is operated by our company.
Our company may collect personal data for various purposes. How and in what way the collected personal data is collected, how and how this data is protected is stated below.
Due to the nature of the business, our Store collects some personal information about the members (such as name-surname, company information, telephone, address or e-mail addresses) by filling out various forms and surveys on the Membership or our Store.
In some periods, our company may send campaign information, information about new products, promotional offers to its customers and members. Our members can make all kinds of choices about whether or not to receive such information while becoming a member, then this selection can be changed in the account information section after logging in as a member, or they can make a notification with the link in the information message they receive.
During the approval process via our store or by e-mail, personal information transmitted to our store electronically by our members will not be disclosed to third parties, except for the purposes and scope determined by the “User Agreement” we have made with our Members.
Our company records and uses the IP address of its members in order to identify system-related problems and to quickly resolve any problems or disputes that may arise regarding the service provided. IP addresses can also be used to identify users in a general way and to gather comprehensive demographic information.
Our company may use the requested information for direct marketing purposes by itself or by the people it cooperates with, even outside the purposes and scope determined by the Membership Agreement. Personal information can also be used to contact the user when necessary. Information requested by our company or information provided by the user or information about transactions made through our Store; It can be used in various statistical evaluations, database creation and market research without disclosing the identity of our members, outside the scope and purposes determined by the “Membership Agreement”, by our company and its collaborators.
Our company, to keep confidential information strictly private and confidential, to consider it a confidentiality obligation, to ensure and maintain confidentiality, to take all necessary measures and take all necessary care to prevent all or any part of confidential information from entering the public domain or unauthorized use or disclosure to a third party. commits to show
Our company prioritizes the security of credit card holders who shop at our shopping sites. Your credit card information is not stored in any way our system.
When you enter the transaction process, there are two things you need to pay attention to to understand that you are on a secure site. One of them is a key or lock icon on the bottom line of your browser. This indicates that you are on a secure website and all your information is encrypted and protected. This information is only used depending on the sales process and in the direction of your instructions. The information about the credit card used during shopping is encrypted with 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, independent of our shopping sites, and sent to the relevant bank for questioning. If the card availability is approved can be sustained for shopping. Since no information about the card can be viewed and recorded by us, third parties are prevented from obtaining this information under any circumstances.
The reliability of payment/invoice/delivery address information of orders placed online by credit card is audited by our company against Credit Card Fraud. Therefore, the accuracy of financial and address/telephone information must first be confirmed in order for customers who order from our shopping sites for the first time to arrive at the procurement and delivery stage. In order to control this information, if necessary, the customer who has the credit card or the relevant bank is contacted.
Only you can access and change all the information you provide while becoming a member. If you protect your member login information securely, it is not possible for others to access and change information about you. For this purpose, it is acted within the 128-bit SSL security area during membership transactions. This system is an international encryption standard that cannot be broken.
Internet shopping sites with an information line or customer service service and where full address and telephone information are specified are more preferred today. In this way, you
You can get detailed information about all the issues, and you can get more healthy information about the reliability of the company that provides online shopping service.
Note: We recommend paying attention to the full address and telephone number of the company on internet shopping sites. If you are going to shop, write down all the phone / address information of the store where you bought the product before you do your shopping. Confirm by phone before shopping if you do not trust. All information about our company and the location of the company are indicated on all our online shopping sites.
Your identity and credit card information, which you send to us by credit card mail-order method, will be kept by our company according to the principle of confidentiality. This information is kept for 60 days against possible credit card withdrawal objections with the bank and then destroyed. If any amount is withdrawn from your card other than the mail-order form approved by you, which you will send to us in return for the price of the products you ordered, you can naturally object to the bank and prevent the payment of this amount, so it does not pose a risk.
Our store may link to other sites within the website. Our company does not bear any responsibility for the privacy practices and contents of the sites accessed through these links. Advertisements published on the website of our company are distributed to our users through our advertising partners. The Privacy Policy Principles in this agreement are only for the use of our Store and do not cover third-party websites.
In the limited cases specified below, our company may disclose the information of users to third parties, except for the provisions of this “Privacy Policy”. These cases are limited in number;
1. Law, Decree-Law, Regulation, etc. to comply with the obligations imposed by the legal rules enacted by the competent legal authority;
2. In order to fulfill the requirements of the “Membership Agreement” and other agreements concluded by our store with users and to put them into practice;
3. Requesting information about users for the purpose of conducting an investigation or investigation duly carried out by the authorized administrative and judicial authority;
4. It is necessary to provide information in order to protect the rights or security of users.
Never write down your credit card number or passwords in the e-mails you send to our store’s Customer Service regarding any of your orders. Information contained in e-mails can be viewed by third parties. Our company cannot guarantee the security of the information transferred from your e-mails under any circumstances.
Our company can obtain information about the users visiting our store and the use of the website by using a technical communication file (Cookie). The technical communication files mentioned are small text files that a website sends to the user’s browser to be stored in the main memory. The technical communication file facilitates the use of the Internet by storing status and preferences about the site.
The technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people visit the site, for what purpose, how many times a person visits the site and how long they stay on the site, and to dynamically generate advertisements and content from specially designed user pages for users. The technical communication file is not designed to retrieve data or any other personal information from the main memory or your e-mail. Most of the browsers are initially designed to accept the technical communication file, but users can change the settings so that the technical communication file does not arrive or a warning is given when the technical communication file is sent.
Our company can change the provisions of this “Privacy Policy” at any time by posting it on the site or by sending an e-mail to users or publishing it on its site. If the terms of the Privacy Policy are changed, they will take effect on the date of publication.
For any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, you can send an email to ……………….. You can reach our company’s contact information below.
Company Name: Theory Travel Agency Limited Company
Address: İsalı Cd. Angel Cave Suite Office N:34, 50180 Göreme /Nevşehir
Email: info@cappadociavisittours.com
Tel: +905438471022
Fax: –